Thursday, January 15, 2009

Top ten things that are great about being a 3rd Gen Geek!

1. Your parents have been to RenFest more then you, and have new period costumes every year.

2. When you tell your dad you are going to the comic book store he is sad that you didn't ask him to go with you.

3. On your family emailing list you celebrate caturdays.

4. You tell your parents you have a blog, instead of asking what a blog is, they ask what the address is. HI DAD!

5. Growing up your grandfather would tell you bedtime stories from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

6.Your mom laughs at your geeky tshirt.

7.There is always someone in your family raiding at 3am.

8. When you camped out to see Star Wars rerelease your dad not only bought your ticket but he spent the whole time with you and got you out of school.

9.Your first deep conversation with your father at 6 was over if Data had a soul or not.

10. Your grandfather always agrees with you that Han did and will always shoot first!